Gta back to the future
Gta back to the future

gta back to the future gta back to the future

As the light rays arrive from multiple directions, covering different amounts of cosmologically large distances, they take different amounts of time, causing a delay in their appearance. Refsdal pointed out that a gravitationally lensed SN will appear multiple times separated by a time gap. Gravitational lensing is another independent probe to constrain the cosmological parameters, specifically, the Hubble constant, related to the age of the Universe, and dark energy, related to the acceleration of the rate of cosmic expansion. These discrepant results could be either due to systematics from individual probes of cosmology or may indicate some discrepancy in our fundamental picture of the Universe that deserves further investigation (although cf. 2) in the Hubble constant measurements from the late Universe (for example, results based on nearby supernovae and cepheids) and the cosmic microwave background radiation arriving from the early Universe is an intriguing puzzle. The discrepancy (4σ–6σ, where σ is the standard deviation see ref.

Gta back to the future